"I will also make you a LIGHT for the Gentiles, that you may CARRY my salvation to the ends of the earth" Isaiah 49:6

Nov 18, 2011

Fighting Overseas

After being here for almost four months, I now better know meaning of the title “foreign missionary.” A few days ago we honored all our veterans and all those who are still fighting. Having grandpas and a grandma that served in wars past and two of my three brothers in the military, I am proud and honored by a soldiers sacrifice, especially those overseas. But the word 'overseas' is not for soldiers alone, but for many missionaries as well. As we remember the soldiers overseas, take time to remember all the missionaries to. The soldiers fight for our freedom as a nation in THIS world, but the missionaries fight to reach the souls of many for the freedom of eternity! Both make the same sacrifices by leaving behind everything they know, their friends, and their families. Both the battles they fight are just as hard, and both could be imprisoned and put to death for fighting the battle. Both get discouraged, and look daily for emails or letters from people back home to give them a boost to make it through just one more day. Both see things they wish they could change but can do nothing about. The soldiers arm themselves with weapons and machinery, where the missionaries arm themselves only with the armor of God. A soldier can fight back, but the missionaries must represent the Christ they serve, “he didn't fight back...” One is a soldier in the United States of America military, and is fighting and seeing gruesome horrors.  The other is in the Lord's army fighting an unseen battle against the powers of hell. We have no idea what these soldiers go through and face every single day, but they do it for us. Both soldiers are just as important and the battles just as hard, and both need all the prayers we can give them.
In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King

Traveling Around India

August 14-19
As I mentioned in my last blog, I had the opportunity of traveling with a wonderful group of people from Europe around India. I loved just being able to be a tourist for once, but let me tell you there is a big difference between being here for mission work and being here for a tourist trip. I will try and sum up the whole week for you best I can.
I experienced my first train ride, which I must say I wouldn't mind EVER experiencing AGAIN! So crowded and confusing, but that is how we made it to our first stop, the Chenni (chin-i) Marina. But I have to say I don't know which was worse, the crowded train ride, or the over crowded beach! The beach was huge, but that meant the hike to the water would take a few minutes. Since I was a kid I have always wanted to ride a big beautiful horse on some lonely stretch of beach...what a nice picture... Well I never thought my dream would come true!....almost. A man on a horse rode up and offered to give me a ride down to the water. After saying no again and again, the people I was traveling with finally convinced me to have a ride. So I climbed up on that boney thing and the guy walked the horse through that crowded beach with everyone staring (because WHITE PERSON!) We finally made it to the water, and thats when he ripped five bucks off us by riding off before he had given us change. -_- Not exactly the fairy tale picture I had in my mind, but I did get to ride a horse on the beach and stick my feet in the Indian ocean. Things don't always go how we picture them, and when they don't thats when I can almost see God looking down from heaven just laughing at us! But it was also one of those moments where God knows your secret wishes and wants that you don't ask for, but he gives to us anyway in times when we least expect it . :)
We then traveled to St. Thomas's mount (Right) where “doubting Thomas” was martyred for his faith. As I stood on top of that mountain and looked out it was amazing to think that 2000 years ago Thomas traveled all this way probably by boat, foot, and mule just to tell people about Jesus. And I thought just flying 3000 miles away for the same thing was a big step! It was really neat to see how far his disciples carried the message.

Then we traveled to Puducherri (originally ruled by French) and saw another beach, this place was actually the nicest place I have been to so far in India, because it was the cleanest...and thats still saying a lot! Haha This beach was much better than the one in Chenni but unfortunately we didn't get to spend much time there.
More driving to Coimbatore, where we went to the Nilgiris railway and we took a slow steam engine (Swiss 120 years old) up to Ooty (8000ft) While in Ooty we went to the botanical gardens, tea plantations, and went for a boat ride on Ooty lake. At the lake I got my second chance to ride a horse, and I think the last horse ride I can handle for a while! It was a pure white horse which was neat, but about halfway through the ride it started rearing up and snorting. If I ever saw my life flash before my eyes, that was it! I was so scared it would run off with me on it or knock me off into the middle of all the traffic we were riding beside. Fortunately it calmed down, but I don't think I did until quite some time after wards!
Drove (some more!) to Mysore. I sound excited about the driving but don't get me wrong its all sarcasm, driving here long distances is the worst thing I have ever experienced...i think I would rather go to the dentist than spend one hour in a vehicle here, and believe me that is saying A LOT! In Mysore we went to the palace and toured it, the palace was really spectacular and was built from and contained items found in only certain parts of the world, so that was really neat.
Left top: Steam engine ride!
Left: Horse that went crazy!

And that ended my journey in India! I was back at the girls orphanage on August 19 in Bangalore for the last time till I leave, which at that point was 17 more weeks! Fred came back for a few days before going back to the states, and after saying goodbye to him and the people from Europe it hit me that I was the only one left, from then on it would be just me and God!
Right: Palace in Mysore
In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King

Stepping into Bible times?

August 10-11
The last two days my group was here  was filled with things to do every minute. On August 10 we headed out early in the morning to visit an orphanage, where we also passes out goody bags. From there we went to the slums, I shouldn't really call it THE slums as there are many places like this in every city. The missionary we were with, PK, goes and delivers milk to this particular site every week, and recently with funds provided from H.I.M was able to provide every family with mosquito nets! There are so many you can not give milk to all, it is like the beggar situation, you do what you can, share the love of Jesus, and pray for that seed you just planted.
After the heart breaking visit to the slums, we went to pass out rice and vegetables at a leper church. It's amazing how so many things here relate to the bible and make me view bible stories more clearly than I ever have. Being at the leper church really made all the stories about healing the lepers come to life. Everyday there seemed to be a few little things that would catch my eye and remind me of a bible story. It made me stop and think, is this what it really was like? All the way from seeing women in the fields shifting grain, or women gathering water at the wells, to the lepers at the leper church, there is always something here that will make you feel like you just stepped into a particular bible story.
I would encourage you to pray for the missionary PK, as his ministry is stretched over so many different things. We only came and saw a tiny sliver of what he does every single day. What a mighty servant of God!

Right: Leper Church

The next day we traveled back to Bangalore to the girl's orphanage, where Fred and I said goodbye to the rest of our team. In three days I would leave with a group from England to travel a bit around India, and Fred would be leaving to travel up in Northern India to do more mission work. Mr. Fred Kornis is a really inspiring man of God. He can travel day and night on just a few hours of sleep but be up and ready to share the gospel with everyone he bumps into and have enthusiasm to carry out the work God has for him. When most of us would be ready to sit down and just pass out for a few minutes, he was always up and going. I'm glad I have a reasonable explanation for where all his energy came from, because if I didn't I would really have no idea. God will empower us with everything we need to complete His will, and Mr. Fred is a good example of that. I really enjoyed traveling with my whole team, who were all an encouragement to me in some way or another. It is really important on mission trips to have that unity in your group before you try and reach people. If people don't see that love and unity in our group it might be a stumbling block when we go try to tell them about the love of Jesus.

 In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King

Sep 29, 2011

Communicating with the love of Jesus

 August 8-9
These two days consisted of going to Vijayawada, Macherla, and Alia for 5 gospel/ prayer meetings with groups of believers in these areas. The first place we traveled to was out in the middle of no where and the majority of the believers there were gypsy's. Living in such a place didn't stop them from having a heart of reverence and worship for God. The second was actually a bible college graduation. This location was also remote, with no modern day conveniences, but that didn't stop these men from going to this college to learn all they could so they can share with others. These prayer meetings went mostly the same way, we would come in share our testimonies, pray for them, and then usually eat a meal with them, and leave more humbled than ever by THEIR stories of faith.
                                                                                          They are very respectful to their guests and speakers over here, every meeting we went to they always had  flowers to put around our necks and made sure to give us food. I felt like such a fake, and so undeserving of it. There is a point when you go on a mission trip when it hits you that your not supposed to just be the smiling American, who comes and takes pictures and says Jesus loves you, your there to pour out every ounce of your being into these people, give until you have nothing left and than give a little more. Sometimes its very easy to get into the “mission trip” mode of just going and being there, but there is a difference in being there and completely diving in with faith and putting aside all your worries, needs, and wants for a while.
            I think my favorite, but also most heartbreaking part of these meetings was praying for the people when we were finished. They would surround and line up around us, each one wanted to be sure and have us pray for them. Some would bring children they wanted us to pray for, or bring oil to anoint them with. Some would grab our feet and not let get, or touch our feet and then their heads. By this description you may think it was overwhelming, but I found it to be quite the opposite. As I prayed for one or two ladies at a time all the other just seemed to fade away and it was just me, and the person I was praying for. Even though I didn't speak their language while I was praying for them I felt more connected with each one individually than I have ever connected with anyone before, and when I was done I felt like each lady was a life long friend and we had something special in common. The only possible explanation for this is we were speaking the universal language of the love of Christ. I so badly wanted to have time to pray for each one and their needs in particular, and just sit with them all day and talk, but we had a tight schedule to keep up to be able to reach everyone we possibly could. Each time I left one of these meetings I felt like I was leaving a big group of close friends behind, such amazing women of God! These people were so hungry for prayer! Even as we were walking towards the car to leave they were following us grabbing our hands in hopes we would stop and pray for them and with them. In my heart I just wanted to camp out at each place and pray with them as long as they wanted, I was so torn to not have more time with them.
It was also amazing to see their hearts for worship, these people don't need a big band or an orchestra to feel the Holy Spirit in worship, instead they use their voices, hands, and hearts, and let me say the Holy Spirit was definitely moving more and more with each song they sung. And before they would worship they would come in and touch their face to the ground in reverence and to prepare their hearts for worshiping such a mighty God. Humbled I was watching these people pouring out their hearts, because how many times have I prepared my heart to worship the God who made the universe and shown the proper reverence and respect He deserves before bringing even one request before Him?

In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King

Sep 18, 2011

Getting Refreshed but Taught a Lesson

 August 7 Left at 3 in the morning for the airport, where half of us went home, and the other half traveled onto Hyderabad. I don't know what it is about these Kansas people I'm traveling with, but they sure do like to get me up at 3 in the morning to go to some airport! We arrived in Hyderabad with all our luggage and found our contact (PK one of the PALS) no problem, Praise the Lord for smooth and safe travel!
We went to PK's church where we gave our testimonies and Fred gave a message. Afterward they served us lunch where I made a “note to self” in my journal: putting lemon juice on already spicy rice will just make it 100 times more spicy NOT dull it down!! So with a mouth on fire we started on our long drive to Vijaywada (about a “6 hour” drive.) We arrived at our hotel very hungry and VERY tired, but God always knows when to revive His children. This hotel was clean, it had hot water for showers, it had toilet paper, it had snacks, the beds didn't have bugs in them, and it had wifi so I finally got a chance to talk to my family! No words can describe how much we needed this refreshing boost, but God knew and He will always take care of His children.
Yet as I lay all clean in my nice clean bed that night my mind couldn't help but bring up flashes of what we had seen driving that day. Mile after mile was spent driving past tent colonies, slums, and people sleeping on the street. Children with either no clothes or filthy rags digging through the trash piles on the side of the road trying to find some food or working along side their parents on a construction site, doing hard labor NO CHILD should have to do to survive. Beggars coming up to our vehicle with malnourished or injured babies, staring at you so intense with something in their eyes that makes your heart break, until you finally learn you just have to ignore the little tapping on the window and look the other way. If you don't you will give in to their pathetic looks and with a breaking heart you will watch them walk away to beg more knowing that there are thousands of others like them and you can't help them all. Not knowing if they are beggars that are forced to beg for someone else, or if the children really aren't injured or were injured on purpose just so the situation will look more heartbreaking. There are so many of them and its impossible to know what their true situation is, but to judge and ignore them is something Jesus would never do, so being examples of Christ what should we do? This is a question I've spun round and round in my mind for a long time, and I really have come up with no answer. All you can really do is give them a few rupees, say a prayer, and never expect a thanks because they will never give you one, all they will do is ask for more. Thinking of all these people in a filthy dangerous environment, while I am in a safe clean one, definitely made me feel guilty. It made me want to give them all hot showers and a nice place to stay, but there is too many to even make a dent. It made me think again how blessed I truly am, even in the little things. I could have been born one of those beggars or children in the slums, but I wasn't, I was born and grew up in a safe comfortable home not needing to worry about my next meal. So why DID God choose to place me where He did? It is because every one on earth is uniquely different and has a certain calling in their life that only they can full fill. I may not know the reason why God richly blessed me by placing me in the family I am in just yet, but he has a reason and a purpose for it. And I don't quite know why God chose to put me in a nice clean bed that night instead of one of the thousands that were sleeping on the streets. So undeserving am I of the many blessings He has poured into my life, that I many times fail to even thank Him for, but with love and mercy He keeps pouring them! Sending His only Son to die for us should be enough of a blessing for us that we should never complain, but we do, and even despite our complaints he pours blessings into our lives. Nothing we can do could ever thank Him enough for everything He gives us, and he asks for nothing in return except for faithfully following Him, and that is not to much to ask considering He will provide us with everything we will need to follow Him. Then even more amazing to think how many times we mess up and DON'T follow Him but Hes there to pick us back up and give us a new start. It seems like every time I turn around here I'm thanking God for something, its not until things are taken away and only given to us once in a while that we truly understand just how much He gives us and I recognize just how much a fail to thank Him for! All these thoughts kept me awake for sometime that night and all I could say was thank you again and again, knowing that nothing I do will ever be enough to repay all Hes given me, but when I die He will still welcome me with open arms and still say the words “Well done good and faithful servant... here is your crown” Such mercy and love I could never in my life deserve, but He gives it...FREELY, and why? Because that is just how much HE LOVES US!
Imagine waking up tomorrow with only the things you have thanked God for today...”
In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King  

Sep 3, 2011

His Word will NEVER return Void!

         For anyone who didn't read my last post (Happy Birthday to Me) this is a follow up to it. I mentioned getting to go see a waterfall, monkeys, and attend a few church meetings, but what happened at the last part of the day is more amazing than any of those things could ever be. I feel so inadequate to do this story justice, please forgive me ahead of time!
          It had been a long day for all of us and we went straight up to our rooms to get to sleep as soon as possible. Except for Fred, who went to a little restaurant next to the hotel. (Fred is the missionary that started H.I.M) After getting some food Fred started talking with the man at the counter, and this man just started smiling. He said, “I bet you don't remember me, but I remember you.” Fred couldn't remember him so the man went on to explain- “I used to be a Hindu until two years ago you came to a restaurant down the road I was working at, and as you were paying the bill you looked at me said 'Just like I have to pay for this meal, you have to pay for your sins, but Jesus has already paid for them'.” Is that a miracle of God or what? You can only imagine all of our shock when Fred told us what happened. For him to run into the same man TWO YEARS later and find out that such a simple sentence as “Jesus has paid for your sin” turned this mans life around and resulted in him accepting Christ! Its moments like these that I can see God standing over us, smiling at our renewed shock of how amazingly unpredictable He is! We never know what God is doing with people around us everyday that we have touched and influenced even in such a small way as this. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are you ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” Isaiah 55:8-9
         From this story we can learn and be encouraged in such a huge way. How often do we share a simple sentence about the love of Jesus with one of the many lost people we pass by everyday? What are our reasons for NOT doing this? Is it fear of embarrassment or not knowing what to say? Is it because you're having a bad day and don't feel like interacting with someone that would be encouraged with just a smile? We as Christians are on the mission field everyday, everywhere we go. You don't have to go across the world to share with the person in front of you in line at the grocery store. We are around people that are lost everyday, so its so very important to MOMENT BY MOMENT DIE to SELF, pick up our cross and share Him with everyone we can! Just a smile or a simple sentence is all it takes! Look what God did with such a simple but profound statement as “Jesus paid for your sins.”?! It took the power of God to turn this Hindu's life around, but it took an obedient servant of God to plant the seed! Sometimes we think that what we do for Him goes no where, but His word will NEVER return void! “So is my word that goes forth from my mouth: it will not return to me empty BUT will accomplish WHAT I DESIRE and achieve the purpose for which I sent it!” Isaiah 55:11 “Our labor of the Lord is NEVER in vain!” 1 Cor. 15:58 So NEVER think that if you share a simple phrase of love that no seed has been planted! You may never see the fruits of your labor or you may see it two years down the road like Fred did. He has promised us in His word it WILL. NOT. BE. IN. VAIN.! For those of you struggling with loved ones that aren't saved, hang in there and keep praying, keep sharing those simple phrases of love, because God can not wait to do a MIGHTY WORK through them!
     “The WORD of GOD is LIVING and ACTIVE! SHARPER than any double- edged sword, It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Aug 30, 2011

Happy birthday to me!

August 6
            I never thought my first birthday spent away from home would be as soon as my 18th and all the way across the world in India! I woke up seriously depressed because I started thinking of all the things I would be doing if I were home, first, my mom would have come in and woke me up...not the Muslim in Hindu prayer calls -_- but thinking about what I WOULD be doing did no good what so ever, so I stopped and reached over to the four birthday cards people had written me that I had been SO very tempted to open every day since I got them! In addition to birthday cards I was sung to plenty of (if not too many) times! Once by the girls home earlier that week and once by the boys orphanage, and again by my group, and then a little later in the day by about 200 kids. Haha so I was definitely well covered on my birthday! Hearing all those children sing to me made it special enough!
         We got to visit a beautiful waterfall, and while we were there we saw wild monkeys and got to feed them! So far a pretty different birthday from any I've had before! But that's not the half of it!
We made our way to a conference...we're still in the mountains so it was more curves and plenty of near death experiences! I've learned the best thing to do is just close you eyes till you've come to complete stop and the car is turned off! Haha but by now we are all used to the driving! We arrived at the conference where a band met us at the top of the hill and played the whole time we walked down the hill and into the building. And when we entered the building...whew! Everyone stood up and started clapping and were all excited! I felt like we were some sort of special football players running out onto the field! Then they put flowers around each of our necks, and this is where I got my birthday song by the 200 children!                               Their respect for visitors and speakers certainly touched everyone in our group! We each talked a little and I did my evangecube and some balloon animals and then painted some faces, they were all so excited and listened to every word we had to say! Some of the children were Hindus so it was wonderful to get to share the gospel with them and some of their parents!
       Then we drove to another meeting, where the excitement of a girl older than me getting a balloon animal was a  special thing to see, you'd have thought I'd just given her a car by how excited this girl was!
But I think the most exciting thing that happened on my birthday was what Mr. Fred told us right before we went to bed, and that is something I will put in my next post because it deserves a post by itself! It will be called “His Word will NEVER return Void.” So looking over the day I'd say I had a very good, interesting, different, and God filled birthday! I am blessed, Praise the Lord!
In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King

Aug 27, 2011

Call to Prayer...literally

                  Over the course of our few days down Kumily and southern India I was fearfully shaken awake to a reality which I had been previously overlooking, due to lack of experience. I was sitting in our hotel room getting ready for bed when I started to hear people in the room below us start to chant and pray, whether they were Hindu or Muslim I don't know, but shortly after they started I heard a noise from outside my window that made my heart drop. It was the Muslim prayer calls from the mosques which I got to hear for about the next 30 minutes, as well as the family beneath me worshiping and praying along with this call. Nothing I can type up can describe my feelings when I heard this happening. I think I was angry at first and then just somewhat confused, at one point I felt the heaviness of the darkness around me crowding out all light, followed by a deep sadness for the many MANY souls that are being lost to this. While the family beneath me was praying to their gods I started singing hymns of praise to the one true God to try and drown them out and somehow touch their lives with the truth. When they stopped I thought it was over, but then the Hindu temples started up! I never before have felt such an urgent call for me to pray to God, pleading and crying out for these lost people! I wanted to run to the temple and use their speakers to tell them all about Jesus, I wanted to tell everyone that they were being deceived and lied to, but I couldn't. I never before have felt SO useless! All I could do was sit there and pray urgently for those lost. I don't know how long I laid in bed trying to fall asleep but not being able to because those horrible speakers kept going and going, and at five in the morning it woke me up. Yes, the Muslims and Hindus really do get their “call to prayer” three times a day, its not a joke, its not something that just happened in the past, its real and going on everyday here! But at the same time it calls them to pray it calls me to pray as well, and I am praying to someone who's name alone has the power to turn darkness into light and to make the demons surrounding and choking this country TREMBLE! SO IT IS IN JESUS NAME THAT WE PRAY FOR HIM TO CONFUSE THEIR MINDS SO THEY WOULD SEEK OUT HIS TRUTH, THAT HE WOULD SEND THEM VISIONS AND DREAMS, AND THAT HE WOULD BIND THE DEVIL AND FALSE RELIGIONS OF THIS LAND THAT HAVE HAUNTED THESE PEOPLE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS! THERE IS POWER IN HIS NAME TO DO THESE THINGS...IF ONLY we would have the faith of a mustard seed....do you have a such a faith in Him? Such a faith to ask BOLDLY such IMPOSSIBLE requests?!?! NOTHING is impossible with God and God DELIGHTS in doing the impossible so we can see just how GREAT AND MIGHTY HE IS! There are over three HUNDRED MILLION gods in India...now did you get that? THREE HUNDRED MILLION! Not three not thirty but three hundred MILLION gods and goddesses in India.... but we know “Our God is GREATER, our God is STRONGER, God you are higher than any other! Our God is HEALER, awesome in POWER, our God! And if our God is for us then who could ever stop us and if our God is with us then WHAT CAN STAND AGAINST?!” Just as these people are called to pray three times a day, I'm asking that you to would be called to prayer three times a day for all the lost and confused here in India and all over the world. I was also a bit ashamed when I heard all these prayers, because I looked back on my life and thought, how often do I stop what I'm doing and just pray for 30 minutes at least ONCE a day much less three times? They show much more dedication to their gods and prayers than some Christians do, imagine what it would be like if Christians were as dedicated? Imagine what we could accomplish setting all things aside and just giving God the praise He is due? Most importantly imagine the lives we would touch by doing this... These are just a few of the MANY thoughts that ran through my head as I listened to these prayer calls. I knew that these went on, but it wasn't until I was in the middle of the battle that I realized just how dangerous and horrific they really are. I felt like a tiny candle surrounded by an unpenetrable darkness...until I called on Jesus. “...and I will fear no evil for my God is with me, and if my God is with me, WHOM THEN SHALL I FEAR?”
“The LORD is my light and my salvation, WHOM THEN SHALL I FEAR? The LORD is the stronghold of my life OF WHOM SHOULD I BE AFRAID?” Psalm 27:1
In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King

                  Right: Just one of the MANY THOUSANDS of temples here in India. They are about as numerous here as our churches are in America only probably 2 times as many...PRAY PRAY PRAY!

Aug 25, 2011

Oh Just 4 More Kilometers!...5.Hours.Later...

August 4-5
                   Left at 3 in the morning to catch our flight down to Kochi, and then all piled (more like smushed) into a van and started off on our first LOOOOOOONG car trip of MANY. If you ever come to India you will understand perfectly what the title of this blog means -_-  haha just a "few" kilometers really does turn into just a "few" hours! The four and a half hour drive down to Kumily was definitely not your average "smooth sailing on the highway" road trip. It was all up hill on twisty curvery mountain roads...you haven't experienced curves till you come here! Instead of our little sgwiggle line that represents a curve coming up they have an actualy N representing their curves! And with big buses taking up most of the road sometimes we had a LOT of close calls but we had a good LOCAL driver! Getting into a car in India is taking one big leap of faith in the driver!  But through the nerve wracking driving God gave us front row seats to view His beautiful creation! The mountains were gorgeous and we passed SO many waterfalls, pictures don't do this amazing creation of His justice at all but here is just a few for your mind to expand on and imagine what it really was like!

"I tell you, if you remain silent, even the rocks will cry out!"
"No sky contains, no doubt restrains all you are, the greatness of our God!"
"The heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour fourth speech, night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard"

How could anyone who looks at this and the stary sky, the sunsets, and the sunrises not think there is a great and mighty God?!
                 When we finally got to Kumily we went to visit the boys orphanage. They are just like the girls only in their own boyish ways. That respect for God and their elders is evident at every moment, pray for these precious children of God! Pray they will grow up to be strong Christian leaders and be on fire for Him! We got to hand out care packages to each boy (about 40) and no words could ever express their faces when they received their gifts! One little boy that was sitting in front of me was smiling so big and looking through his bag with joy and such excitement it was over whelming to watch as he clung to his bag and hugged it so hard i thought it would burst! They all took out each of the items in their bags and with pride and a smile showed us and each other what they got :)  They are currently working on building a bigger orphanage so they can have more room and house even more boys! While we were there they told us how a man came to the orphanage not to long ago and said that it was to small and they would have to get rid of at least 20 of the boys, but praise the Lord he said since they are building this new building they can keep all the boys!! Pray that the funds would be raised to build this building and they will be able to finish soon! This is the orphanage that the laptop went to that a precious couple at my church bought and donated! So excited they were to receive it because the need for one was great! Their thanks go out to you!

Right: The new building project!!
Left: All the boys!      

                       Also while we were in Kumily we got to ride elephants!!!! :)                           
           Can't really put into words everything we experienced, the jokes we made, and every little thing God showed us! We left the boys orphanage wishing we had more time to spend with them, and started on our long journey back...but wait, God doesn't stop here, He has much more in store for His weary travelers that are trying to adapt to a strange culture and who get overwhelmed time and time again by His greatness in many ways! Right now all of you have only seen a tiny corner of the picture God is painting with this whole trip, and I'm holding my journal which contains almost four weeks more of this "painting"... I feel bad only to be able to throw tidbits of information to you and one day at a time! Thank you all for your patience and I pray you will continue to follow my journey to see what God is doing here in India!                            
In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King  

Aug 19, 2011

little cultural changes...

August 1-3 
        Every morning the girls sing songs and have devotion, to ever know what it feels like to listen to them you need to experience it for yourself. No words can describe the respect and obedience these girls have for Enoch, Nancy, and the Lord. Their adoration to the Lord through song and their sincere faith through prayer is astounding, especially for their ages! The children of America could learn much from these girls, and I think I am in danger of them teaching me more than I could ever teach them.
      For these three days we spent much time with all the HIM PALS. They are the partners in India that HIM supports. There are about 25 PALS all together, and for them to get the opportunity to all meet in one place with us was a huge blessing for them and for us as well. Their stories and testimonies were amazing to hear, and it was wonderful to just spend time talking with each. God is using each of them, all in different parts of India, to do His work through things like, orphanages, churches, evangelizing, street ministry, bible classes, and SO much more. These are just the PALS in India, HIM ministries has many more all over the world! Please keep them in your prayers!
     It seems like my stomach is ALWAYS grumbling, no matter how much I put in it. The food is definitely different from in America, everything I put in my mouth either seems to be very spicy or very sweet! I have learned by now that if a local says something is not spicy, to stay away from it because it will set my mouth on FIRE! Haha One of our team members saw something that looked like a green bean on his plate so he took a big bite and quickly found out that green beans and chilli peppers look awfully alike!! We all had our laugh of the day as he ran as fast as he could to the nearest water tank, and we made it a point to know the difference so we wouldn't make the same mistake! Some of the locals said that they wouldn't even eat those chilli peppers! Haha
     To say “yes”, instead of shaking their heads up and down like we do they shake them from side to side.....this had me SO confused for the longest time! I eventually just had to ask someone to please explain why people would shake their heads like that at me! Haha
Unfortunately my group found something to tease me about. One night I was walking around outside and almost stepped on the biggest frog I have ever seen, and of course I screamed like anything. So when they found out it was just a frog I was hollering about they made sure I never forgot it -_- haha and God added in His little humor when the next morning we were having devotion on the rooftop and one of the psalms we went through was 105 where in verse 30 it says “their land teems with frogs, which went up to the bedrooms of their rulers...” that got us laughing and had me checking my bed every night juuuuust in case!
    Got to ride in my first rick shaw! The driving here takes getting used to, there are really no rules, but to keep people from speeding there are speed bumps everywhere! To get directions to somewhere drivers will just stick their hands out the window and honk at a passing car, or someone on the street, even if its a car coming the other direction if they see you they will stop just in the middle of traffic to see what you want. So THATS why I haven't seen any road signs!! Its just so much more convenient to drive up along side someone and ask! Haha
    Things here are so very different than in the states. Things which are normal here would be considered extremely rude back home, and I'm seeing that some of the things I thought were normal at home would be considered rude here. Lord give me grace so I won't be offensive to anyone in anyway!
Well everyone, eat a nice big hamburger for me! Thank you again for your continued prayers and support!
In Him -Katie T– The Daughter of a King

Aug 9, 2011

So this is what they call Jet lag! -_-

July 31
For the next few days my group and I are staying at the girls home (where I will be staying at when my group leaves). Before I go on I will introduce my group from Kansas to you: Theres Fred Kornis who is just amazing, Bob and his daughter Cassie and his mother in law Pat, Joe and Carla, Jeff, James, Jon, and Brayn. They are all so sweet and it has been a blessing to be with them!
Had my first cup of Chai that first morning there and then walked to a nearby church where we met with young men from a bible college here in India! Praise God! No AC no comfy chairs no loud speaker system, just a gathering of precious people who love the Lord! Where worship is from the heart and prayers are prayed with great faith! They told us after the worship service that just down the street from them are Muslim extremists who could come harm them at anytime, but they still come to church and have faith that God will protect them, what FAITH! When was the last time we had to pray that people wouldn't come and attack us in our church? We haven't. But just try and capture the amount of faith it would take us if we did have to pray for protection! After the service the Pastor sat us down and gave us cake and chai, the people here are VERY respectful to their guests.
By three I was finished, I just couldn't keep my eyes open, hello to Jet lag! We all have been leaning heavily on the Lord for strength!
That night I watched 9 of the 15 girls from the orphanage get baptized! What an amazing thing to see! Was not like our baptisms at home at all. I watched them each with tears in their eyes fully understanding what they were doing go down into the water and emerge with joy on their faces! The love of Jesus is pouring out of these girls lives! At such young ages their understanding of Him is astounding! So very excited about being able to stay with these girls for the next 5 months! They can probably teach me more than i'll ever be able to teach them! For about 4 years now i've had a picture of these girls up on my mirror and have been praying for them, so overflowing with joy God blessed me with an opportunity like this to come see them! Praise the Lord!
In Him -Katie- The Daughter of a King

Welcome to India!

I've been keeping a journal because I knew I would not have time every night to write in my blog so now that I have time I will start that the beginning. Right now its about 9 at night and we have a three hour drive before we reach our hotel so I have plenty of time now! Haha We just left one of the many gospel meetings we have been attending the past few days, and don't worry I will write about that eventually!
Its so hard to try and decide what to write, there is no way you can adequately describe and convey the feelings and moments you experience. But I will try my best to write this out best I can and you try your best to put yourself in my shoes so maybe you can feel a little bit more apart of what i'm doing!
Leaving at three in the morning and catching 4 different flights with a total flying time of about 24 hours certainly can wear someone out! But I arrived safely with my group and ALL our luggage made it! Praise the Lord! One thing that really caught my attention in the airport when I got to India was that I wasn't free anymore to mention Jesus when ever I wanted to. To keep our group safe we couldn't even tell people what we were really doing when they asked. It gave me a new appreciation for our freedom in America, but then I realized something, how often to I USE my freedom when I am in America? Not as often as I should. Lord, help me when I come home to take FULL advantage of the freedom you gave me, and I would encourage those reading to take hold of your freedom and Praise the Lord anywhere and everywhere you can! You never know what seed might get planted!
It took me a good 20 minutes to realize they drive on the other side of the road here :/ duh haha and the driving here is INSANE! I know why people say India has the craziest driving its because THEY DO! And they are constantly honking their horns, all the time, even if theres no cars around! Haha But I have gotten used to it, and its a good thing I have!
Its a bit strange to be the stranger that everyone stares at. Now I know how they must feel when they come to America, people who are reading this whenever you see someone from a different country maybe Mexican or Indian please give them a smile full of the love of Jesus, they will love it! Its funny to turn around every now and then and find someone with their phone in their hand pointed at me taking a picture hoping I wouldn't notice, I can not count the times they have done it! Haha there must be some pretty interesting pictures of me between all those pictures! But many haven't seen white people so to actually get a picture of one in your town i'm guessing is pretty cool to them.
I always end up killing at least 6 tiny little bugs in my bed before I get in, and I fall asleep to the sound of honking (of course ;), dogs barking always, trains, and numerous other noises some I can't even imagine what they are haha. But it was wonderful to have a clean bed and have been able to take a shower even though it was cold. Thank God every day for the little things, never take anything for granite!
This is only the beginning. So I invite you to follow me on the rest of my journey!
In Him -Katie- The daughter of a King

Aug 8, 2011

God's provision!!

I know you all are anxious to hear about what I have been up to, but I want to take a moment and talk about the week before I left. God provided everything, physically and spiritually. Everything I needed for the trip was provided I would get two or three people come up to me everyday and hand me something else that was needed for the trip until EVERYTHING was provided for!! someone even showed up at my door with a brand new laptop for the boys orphanage!! Never EVER doubt God's provision, this whole trip I put in God's hands and by faith put the list of things needed before him, and what did he do? Provided EVERYTHING not one thing was left out! No matter what the situation, if it is his will He WILL PROVIDE you with everything you need!!
But mostly I am grateful for the spiritual provision I received. Ever since March I have been dreading one particular moment of this trip..saying goodbye. I thought I would be one big blubbering MESS! But I prayed desperately everyday for peace if this is God's will. And let me tell you “those who ask receive” I received an overwhelming feeling of peace! I felt like I was in the calm of the storm every moment the week before I left! What a blessed reassurance that I am in the will of God! When God gives you peace, boy he goes ALL the way! I didn't cry when I said goodbye to my best friends I didn't even cry when I said goodbye to my family! I had that heavenly peace and oh did it feel wonderful!! When I said goodbye to all the people I love in my church I had tears of joy because I realized anew that I have SO many people who God has put into my life who are there for me and who I can count on to pray for me and encourage me!
Before I got on the plane however, I did cry a little but then I pulled out a devotion book that someone had given me the day before I left and opened it to that days and this is what it said “You are Mine. You are not your own. With a great price I have purchased you for Myself. If you will listen to me I will reveal to you more fully so that you may know more clearly how vital you are to My purpose. There is work to be done, and I need you as a vessel through which to work. I want to do a beautiful work! There will be inconveniences to be borne, self- pleasing to be laid aside, SACRIFICES and PAIN- BUT what a blessed reward I have in store! Yes, in store for you, if you are able to let Me use you the way I desire. Lo, I wait for you. Come to Me.” I could not have asked for more comforting words than these at that moment! PRAISE THE LORD HE PROVIDES!!!!
In Him- Katie - The Daughter of a KING!  

Jul 10, 2011

India wish list :)

Some of you have asked me if there is anything I need for this trip. Well I personally don't need anything but the orphanages in India we will be visiting would sure be happy to receive a few asked for/needed items!
The main need I would love to see God fill is one or two lap tops for the boys orphanage, which they are in desperate need for!  As long as the battery works well and its still in running condition for at least a few more years new or used we'll take it!
Also for the boys orphanage they were asking for medium sweaters and small blankets for the boys since it gets very cold during monsoon season. With the limited room i have I'm not really sure how many sweaters/ blankets i would be able to take but bring em on!
While I'm there I mentioned I will be teaching music at a girls orphanage. I would love to get as many flutes and violins as I can, and right now we have 0 flutes and one smaller sized violin. We already have a keyboard, but the more the merrier! Also any battery operated metronomes and foldable music stands, beginner flute and violin books would be greatly appreciated! I already had someone donate the first four piano beginner books! Praise the Lord our great provider!! Also they asked for socks and raincoats, and some girly things :) like necklaces, bracelets, hair clips, etc.
Also if you have any old DVDs laying around the house that are suitable for kids (veggietales/disney) that you would like to get rid of please let me know!!!
So if any of you reading this knows of anyone that would like to donate some of the items i mentioned or sell at a low price please let me know!!
Once again I can't stress enough that prayer is what we NEED most for this trip!
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you. For everyone who asks, receives; he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened" Matthew 7:7-8
In Him, Katie Tucker -The Daughter of a King-

Jul 5, 2011


As July 29 is slowly inching its way closer and closer the need for prayer is indeed GREAT! This is a post explaining a little more about my trip and my calling to India. 
           My name is Katie Tucker and God has opened the door for me to spend five months in India. Several doors opened for me to go to India for different opportunities, but I waited and prayed for God to show me exactly which door he wanted me to take. After shutting a few He opened one that I knew was His choice. Dr. Fred Kornis,( a missionary that my parents have known and supported for over 30 years), recently came to our missions conference and presented me with the opportunity of going to India with a team he is taking in July. He is the founder of an organization known as Heartland International Ministries (H.I.M.) and has traveled the world, evangelizing, church planting, training pastors, and so much more. Immediately I started praying and asking God if this was what He would have me do, and He confirmed it in more ways than one.
The team consists of ten people including Mr. Fred, besides him and maybe two others I have never met anyone else going on this trip. The area we will be working in is 75% Hindu, 15% Muslim, and only 5% Christian,with a population of over one billion people. As you can see this is one dark country with a very small light but we go to help encourage that light to become a flame on fire for the Lord! 
The trip will be about two weeks long but I will be staying for another five months to work in the girls orphanage. While there I will be busy teaching piano, flute, violin, sign language, and just sharing the love of Jesus with them. There are 15 girls from ages 5-15 in this orphanage who are all hungry to hear more about Jesus and to worship Him through music!
As I travel to India this year, I hope that we can continue to send needed funds for these India projects through HIM including: Bible schools, education needs, Bibles and literature, monthly support, building projects, orphanages, girls home, village ministry, pastors, conferences, technology upgrades, transportation needs, basic living supplies, etc. There are more than 10 missionary families through HIM ministries in India alone, it would be a blessing to help them as much as we can while we are there. It would be GREATLY APPRECIATED if you could help me in any way by supporting this mission trip & ministry in India, whether it be praying or donating money. Being a child of the Great Provider I have faith that he will supply us with everything we need.
This May I graduated from high school so you can imagine my struggle in making a decision. With so many opportunities to do mission work and many people telling me I should go to college first, I had to keep reminding myself that God's voice is the ONLY one I needed to hear. For 7 years I have felt a burden for India, especially the abused, and orphaned children. Its a burden I have carried every single day; a passion that hasn't dimmed but only grows stronger. Leaving everything I know to go somewhere completely different for five months will certainly be a challenge, but God has a perfect plan for my life. It may mean making hard choices and not always doing what I want but if I follow His call I know I will be in the safest place and He will be glorified! That first step of faith is always the hardest to take, and its something God can't do for us, but He has promised to be with us every step after that!
My purpose and passion in life is sharing the love of Jesus with everyone I meet. The only thing that truly matters in this world is telling others about Jesus and the hope, mercy and love he gives. “Then I heard a voice from the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for me?' And I said, 'Here am I, SEND ME!'” Isaiah 6:8 “The Lord said to Abram, 'Leave your country, your people, and your father's household and go to the land I will show you...and I will bless you.'” Gen. 12:1-2 I am leaving my country and household just as Abraham did and trusting with a faith that can move mountains that God will see me through every step of the way.
If anything I ask you to please support me with prayer which is more precious than anything else you could possibly give me!
The address for donating money is:
Heartland International Ministries
Attention: Katie's India Trip
PO Box 23
Shawnee Mission, KS 66201-0023
or online through pay pal at http://www.heartforhim.org/donate-online/
This blog will keep people updated on what I will be doing, and any prayer requests I may have while I am there. Many of you might wonder what I will be doing when I come home from India...to those of you that are let me tell you I'm wondering too :) you never know where God will take you next until He chooses to tell you. Since my future is in God's hands I know I do not have to worry about what tomorrow will bring. My only job is to listen for His voice so that "where ever He leads" I can go. 
Thank you for all your prayers.
In Him, Katie Tucker -the daughter of a KING-