"I will also make you a LIGHT for the Gentiles, that you may CARRY my salvation to the ends of the earth" Isaiah 49:6

Nov 18, 2011

Stepping into Bible times?

August 10-11
The last two days my group was here  was filled with things to do every minute. On August 10 we headed out early in the morning to visit an orphanage, where we also passes out goody bags. From there we went to the slums, I shouldn't really call it THE slums as there are many places like this in every city. The missionary we were with, PK, goes and delivers milk to this particular site every week, and recently with funds provided from H.I.M was able to provide every family with mosquito nets! There are so many you can not give milk to all, it is like the beggar situation, you do what you can, share the love of Jesus, and pray for that seed you just planted.
After the heart breaking visit to the slums, we went to pass out rice and vegetables at a leper church. It's amazing how so many things here relate to the bible and make me view bible stories more clearly than I ever have. Being at the leper church really made all the stories about healing the lepers come to life. Everyday there seemed to be a few little things that would catch my eye and remind me of a bible story. It made me stop and think, is this what it really was like? All the way from seeing women in the fields shifting grain, or women gathering water at the wells, to the lepers at the leper church, there is always something here that will make you feel like you just stepped into a particular bible story.
I would encourage you to pray for the missionary PK, as his ministry is stretched over so many different things. We only came and saw a tiny sliver of what he does every single day. What a mighty servant of God!

Right: Leper Church

The next day we traveled back to Bangalore to the girl's orphanage, where Fred and I said goodbye to the rest of our team. In three days I would leave with a group from England to travel a bit around India, and Fred would be leaving to travel up in Northern India to do more mission work. Mr. Fred Kornis is a really inspiring man of God. He can travel day and night on just a few hours of sleep but be up and ready to share the gospel with everyone he bumps into and have enthusiasm to carry out the work God has for him. When most of us would be ready to sit down and just pass out for a few minutes, he was always up and going. I'm glad I have a reasonable explanation for where all his energy came from, because if I didn't I would really have no idea. God will empower us with everything we need to complete His will, and Mr. Fred is a good example of that. I really enjoyed traveling with my whole team, who were all an encouragement to me in some way or another. It is really important on mission trips to have that unity in your group before you try and reach people. If people don't see that love and unity in our group it might be a stumbling block when we go try to tell them about the love of Jesus.

 In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King

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