"I will also make you a LIGHT for the Gentiles, that you may CARRY my salvation to the ends of the earth" Isaiah 49:6

Nov 18, 2011

Fighting Overseas

After being here for almost four months, I now better know meaning of the title “foreign missionary.” A few days ago we honored all our veterans and all those who are still fighting. Having grandpas and a grandma that served in wars past and two of my three brothers in the military, I am proud and honored by a soldiers sacrifice, especially those overseas. But the word 'overseas' is not for soldiers alone, but for many missionaries as well. As we remember the soldiers overseas, take time to remember all the missionaries to. The soldiers fight for our freedom as a nation in THIS world, but the missionaries fight to reach the souls of many for the freedom of eternity! Both make the same sacrifices by leaving behind everything they know, their friends, and their families. Both the battles they fight are just as hard, and both could be imprisoned and put to death for fighting the battle. Both get discouraged, and look daily for emails or letters from people back home to give them a boost to make it through just one more day. Both see things they wish they could change but can do nothing about. The soldiers arm themselves with weapons and machinery, where the missionaries arm themselves only with the armor of God. A soldier can fight back, but the missionaries must represent the Christ they serve, “he didn't fight back...” One is a soldier in the United States of America military, and is fighting and seeing gruesome horrors.  The other is in the Lord's army fighting an unseen battle against the powers of hell. We have no idea what these soldiers go through and face every single day, but they do it for us. Both soldiers are just as important and the battles just as hard, and both need all the prayers we can give them.
In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King

1 comment:

  1. Katie...I enjoyed catching up on your blogs yesterday. I wanted you to know that I am praying for you and all of our soldiers, both earthly and heavenly. You are a true inspiration.

    God Bless and Keep You
    Will Franklin
