"I will also make you a LIGHT for the Gentiles, that you may CARRY my salvation to the ends of the earth" Isaiah 49:6

Aug 9, 2011

Welcome to India!

I've been keeping a journal because I knew I would not have time every night to write in my blog so now that I have time I will start that the beginning. Right now its about 9 at night and we have a three hour drive before we reach our hotel so I have plenty of time now! Haha We just left one of the many gospel meetings we have been attending the past few days, and don't worry I will write about that eventually!
Its so hard to try and decide what to write, there is no way you can adequately describe and convey the feelings and moments you experience. But I will try my best to write this out best I can and you try your best to put yourself in my shoes so maybe you can feel a little bit more apart of what i'm doing!
Leaving at three in the morning and catching 4 different flights with a total flying time of about 24 hours certainly can wear someone out! But I arrived safely with my group and ALL our luggage made it! Praise the Lord! One thing that really caught my attention in the airport when I got to India was that I wasn't free anymore to mention Jesus when ever I wanted to. To keep our group safe we couldn't even tell people what we were really doing when they asked. It gave me a new appreciation for our freedom in America, but then I realized something, how often to I USE my freedom when I am in America? Not as often as I should. Lord, help me when I come home to take FULL advantage of the freedom you gave me, and I would encourage those reading to take hold of your freedom and Praise the Lord anywhere and everywhere you can! You never know what seed might get planted!
It took me a good 20 minutes to realize they drive on the other side of the road here :/ duh haha and the driving here is INSANE! I know why people say India has the craziest driving its because THEY DO! And they are constantly honking their horns, all the time, even if theres no cars around! Haha But I have gotten used to it, and its a good thing I have!
Its a bit strange to be the stranger that everyone stares at. Now I know how they must feel when they come to America, people who are reading this whenever you see someone from a different country maybe Mexican or Indian please give them a smile full of the love of Jesus, they will love it! Its funny to turn around every now and then and find someone with their phone in their hand pointed at me taking a picture hoping I wouldn't notice, I can not count the times they have done it! Haha there must be some pretty interesting pictures of me between all those pictures! But many haven't seen white people so to actually get a picture of one in your town i'm guessing is pretty cool to them.
I always end up killing at least 6 tiny little bugs in my bed before I get in, and I fall asleep to the sound of honking (of course ;), dogs barking always, trains, and numerous other noises some I can't even imagine what they are haha. But it was wonderful to have a clean bed and have been able to take a shower even though it was cold. Thank God every day for the little things, never take anything for granite!
This is only the beginning. So I invite you to follow me on the rest of my journey!
In Him -Katie- The daughter of a King


  1. Great picture of God's answers to prayer! You all arrived safely and together with ALL of your luggage!!!!!! Probably at least a 1,0000 lbs considering there are 11 of you:) hugs, mom

  2. OOOOPPPPPSSSSS I'm bad that would be 1,000 lbs of luggage:)LOL
