"I will also make you a LIGHT for the Gentiles, that you may CARRY my salvation to the ends of the earth" Isaiah 49:6

Aug 30, 2011

Happy birthday to me!

August 6
            I never thought my first birthday spent away from home would be as soon as my 18th and all the way across the world in India! I woke up seriously depressed because I started thinking of all the things I would be doing if I were home, first, my mom would have come in and woke me up...not the Muslim in Hindu prayer calls -_- but thinking about what I WOULD be doing did no good what so ever, so I stopped and reached over to the four birthday cards people had written me that I had been SO very tempted to open every day since I got them! In addition to birthday cards I was sung to plenty of (if not too many) times! Once by the girls home earlier that week and once by the boys orphanage, and again by my group, and then a little later in the day by about 200 kids. Haha so I was definitely well covered on my birthday! Hearing all those children sing to me made it special enough!
         We got to visit a beautiful waterfall, and while we were there we saw wild monkeys and got to feed them! So far a pretty different birthday from any I've had before! But that's not the half of it!
We made our way to a conference...we're still in the mountains so it was more curves and plenty of near death experiences! I've learned the best thing to do is just close you eyes till you've come to complete stop and the car is turned off! Haha but by now we are all used to the driving! We arrived at the conference where a band met us at the top of the hill and played the whole time we walked down the hill and into the building. And when we entered the building...whew! Everyone stood up and started clapping and were all excited! I felt like we were some sort of special football players running out onto the field! Then they put flowers around each of our necks, and this is where I got my birthday song by the 200 children!                               Their respect for visitors and speakers certainly touched everyone in our group! We each talked a little and I did my evangecube and some balloon animals and then painted some faces, they were all so excited and listened to every word we had to say! Some of the children were Hindus so it was wonderful to get to share the gospel with them and some of their parents!
       Then we drove to another meeting, where the excitement of a girl older than me getting a balloon animal was a  special thing to see, you'd have thought I'd just given her a car by how excited this girl was!
But I think the most exciting thing that happened on my birthday was what Mr. Fred told us right before we went to bed, and that is something I will put in my next post because it deserves a post by itself! It will be called “His Word will NEVER return Void.” So looking over the day I'd say I had a very good, interesting, different, and God filled birthday! I am blessed, Praise the Lord!
In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King

1 comment:

  1. Katie, Pam is trying so hard to post a comment. It is challenging so don't be discouraged if people aren't responding on here. XOOOX MOM
