"I will also make you a LIGHT for the Gentiles, that you may CARRY my salvation to the ends of the earth" Isaiah 49:6

Aug 27, 2011

Call to Prayer...literally

                  Over the course of our few days down Kumily and southern India I was fearfully shaken awake to a reality which I had been previously overlooking, due to lack of experience. I was sitting in our hotel room getting ready for bed when I started to hear people in the room below us start to chant and pray, whether they were Hindu or Muslim I don't know, but shortly after they started I heard a noise from outside my window that made my heart drop. It was the Muslim prayer calls from the mosques which I got to hear for about the next 30 minutes, as well as the family beneath me worshiping and praying along with this call. Nothing I can type up can describe my feelings when I heard this happening. I think I was angry at first and then just somewhat confused, at one point I felt the heaviness of the darkness around me crowding out all light, followed by a deep sadness for the many MANY souls that are being lost to this. While the family beneath me was praying to their gods I started singing hymns of praise to the one true God to try and drown them out and somehow touch their lives with the truth. When they stopped I thought it was over, but then the Hindu temples started up! I never before have felt such an urgent call for me to pray to God, pleading and crying out for these lost people! I wanted to run to the temple and use their speakers to tell them all about Jesus, I wanted to tell everyone that they were being deceived and lied to, but I couldn't. I never before have felt SO useless! All I could do was sit there and pray urgently for those lost. I don't know how long I laid in bed trying to fall asleep but not being able to because those horrible speakers kept going and going, and at five in the morning it woke me up. Yes, the Muslims and Hindus really do get their “call to prayer” three times a day, its not a joke, its not something that just happened in the past, its real and going on everyday here! But at the same time it calls them to pray it calls me to pray as well, and I am praying to someone who's name alone has the power to turn darkness into light and to make the demons surrounding and choking this country TREMBLE! SO IT IS IN JESUS NAME THAT WE PRAY FOR HIM TO CONFUSE THEIR MINDS SO THEY WOULD SEEK OUT HIS TRUTH, THAT HE WOULD SEND THEM VISIONS AND DREAMS, AND THAT HE WOULD BIND THE DEVIL AND FALSE RELIGIONS OF THIS LAND THAT HAVE HAUNTED THESE PEOPLE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS! THERE IS POWER IN HIS NAME TO DO THESE THINGS...IF ONLY we would have the faith of a mustard seed....do you have a such a faith in Him? Such a faith to ask BOLDLY such IMPOSSIBLE requests?!?! NOTHING is impossible with God and God DELIGHTS in doing the impossible so we can see just how GREAT AND MIGHTY HE IS! There are over three HUNDRED MILLION gods in India...now did you get that? THREE HUNDRED MILLION! Not three not thirty but three hundred MILLION gods and goddesses in India.... but we know “Our God is GREATER, our God is STRONGER, God you are higher than any other! Our God is HEALER, awesome in POWER, our God! And if our God is for us then who could ever stop us and if our God is with us then WHAT CAN STAND AGAINST?!” Just as these people are called to pray three times a day, I'm asking that you to would be called to prayer three times a day for all the lost and confused here in India and all over the world. I was also a bit ashamed when I heard all these prayers, because I looked back on my life and thought, how often do I stop what I'm doing and just pray for 30 minutes at least ONCE a day much less three times? They show much more dedication to their gods and prayers than some Christians do, imagine what it would be like if Christians were as dedicated? Imagine what we could accomplish setting all things aside and just giving God the praise He is due? Most importantly imagine the lives we would touch by doing this... These are just a few of the MANY thoughts that ran through my head as I listened to these prayer calls. I knew that these went on, but it wasn't until I was in the middle of the battle that I realized just how dangerous and horrific they really are. I felt like a tiny candle surrounded by an unpenetrable darkness...until I called on Jesus. “...and I will fear no evil for my God is with me, and if my God is with me, WHOM THEN SHALL I FEAR?”
“The LORD is my light and my salvation, WHOM THEN SHALL I FEAR? The LORD is the stronghold of my life OF WHOM SHOULD I BE AFRAID?” Psalm 27:1
In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King

                  Right: Just one of the MANY THOUSANDS of temples here in India. They are about as numerous here as our churches are in America only probably 2 times as many...PRAY PRAY PRAY!

1 comment:

  1. Hi KT! Interesting description of "Call to Prayer." Reminds me of the Catholic nuns in nunneries. It is really too bad that Christians do not pray the hours of the day. Imagine what we could accomplish. Remember that your heavenly father is right beside for you, any time day or night. Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 55:22. Love ya, Auntie Lo XOXO
