"I will also make you a LIGHT for the Gentiles, that you may CARRY my salvation to the ends of the earth" Isaiah 49:6

Aug 9, 2011

So this is what they call Jet lag! -_-

July 31
For the next few days my group and I are staying at the girls home (where I will be staying at when my group leaves). Before I go on I will introduce my group from Kansas to you: Theres Fred Kornis who is just amazing, Bob and his daughter Cassie and his mother in law Pat, Joe and Carla, Jeff, James, Jon, and Brayn. They are all so sweet and it has been a blessing to be with them!
Had my first cup of Chai that first morning there and then walked to a nearby church where we met with young men from a bible college here in India! Praise God! No AC no comfy chairs no loud speaker system, just a gathering of precious people who love the Lord! Where worship is from the heart and prayers are prayed with great faith! They told us after the worship service that just down the street from them are Muslim extremists who could come harm them at anytime, but they still come to church and have faith that God will protect them, what FAITH! When was the last time we had to pray that people wouldn't come and attack us in our church? We haven't. But just try and capture the amount of faith it would take us if we did have to pray for protection! After the service the Pastor sat us down and gave us cake and chai, the people here are VERY respectful to their guests.
By three I was finished, I just couldn't keep my eyes open, hello to Jet lag! We all have been leaning heavily on the Lord for strength!
That night I watched 9 of the 15 girls from the orphanage get baptized! What an amazing thing to see! Was not like our baptisms at home at all. I watched them each with tears in their eyes fully understanding what they were doing go down into the water and emerge with joy on their faces! The love of Jesus is pouring out of these girls lives! At such young ages their understanding of Him is astounding! So very excited about being able to stay with these girls for the next 5 months! They can probably teach me more than i'll ever be able to teach them! For about 4 years now i've had a picture of these girls up on my mirror and have been praying for them, so overflowing with joy God blessed me with an opportunity like this to come see them! Praise the Lord!
In Him -Katie- The Daughter of a King


  1. I am so pleased that you got to share that special event of baptism in the girls lives with them! Praising God for all he is providing for you to grow on:) Blessing, prayers and love, mom

  2. It is so great to read about your journey. I am lifting you up in prayer daily.

  3. Katie,

    I will continue to lift you & those you are working with in prayer. Oh if only we would pray with a faith like theirs.

