"I will also make you a LIGHT for the Gentiles, that you may CARRY my salvation to the ends of the earth" Isaiah 49:6

Aug 8, 2011

God's provision!!

I know you all are anxious to hear about what I have been up to, but I want to take a moment and talk about the week before I left. God provided everything, physically and spiritually. Everything I needed for the trip was provided I would get two or three people come up to me everyday and hand me something else that was needed for the trip until EVERYTHING was provided for!! someone even showed up at my door with a brand new laptop for the boys orphanage!! Never EVER doubt God's provision, this whole trip I put in God's hands and by faith put the list of things needed before him, and what did he do? Provided EVERYTHING not one thing was left out! No matter what the situation, if it is his will He WILL PROVIDE you with everything you need!!
But mostly I am grateful for the spiritual provision I received. Ever since March I have been dreading one particular moment of this trip..saying goodbye. I thought I would be one big blubbering MESS! But I prayed desperately everyday for peace if this is God's will. And let me tell you “those who ask receive” I received an overwhelming feeling of peace! I felt like I was in the calm of the storm every moment the week before I left! What a blessed reassurance that I am in the will of God! When God gives you peace, boy he goes ALL the way! I didn't cry when I said goodbye to my best friends I didn't even cry when I said goodbye to my family! I had that heavenly peace and oh did it feel wonderful!! When I said goodbye to all the people I love in my church I had tears of joy because I realized anew that I have SO many people who God has put into my life who are there for me and who I can count on to pray for me and encourage me!
Before I got on the plane however, I did cry a little but then I pulled out a devotion book that someone had given me the day before I left and opened it to that days and this is what it said “You are Mine. You are not your own. With a great price I have purchased you for Myself. If you will listen to me I will reveal to you more fully so that you may know more clearly how vital you are to My purpose. There is work to be done, and I need you as a vessel through which to work. I want to do a beautiful work! There will be inconveniences to be borne, self- pleasing to be laid aside, SACRIFICES and PAIN- BUT what a blessed reward I have in store! Yes, in store for you, if you are able to let Me use you the way I desire. Lo, I wait for you. Come to Me.” I could not have asked for more comforting words than these at that moment! PRAISE THE LORD HE PROVIDES!!!!
In Him- Katie - The Daughter of a KING!  

1 comment:

  1. Praising God with you for HIS perfect provision and preparation. I watched as God provided day by day. I felt the peace that passes all understanding as I watched you pass through the security checkpoints at the airport knowing without a doubt that you were/are in God's perfect will (the safest place there is!) I waited for your Daddy to fall apart as we got in the car to leave the airport and it did NOT happen....you remember too well other goodbyes.... GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!! I love you precious one. Again PRAISING GOD for HE is GOOD ALL THE TIME.
