"I will also make you a LIGHT for the Gentiles, that you may CARRY my salvation to the ends of the earth" Isaiah 49:6

Aug 25, 2011

Oh Just 4 More Kilometers!...5.Hours.Later...

August 4-5
                   Left at 3 in the morning to catch our flight down to Kochi, and then all piled (more like smushed) into a van and started off on our first LOOOOOOONG car trip of MANY. If you ever come to India you will understand perfectly what the title of this blog means -_-  haha just a "few" kilometers really does turn into just a "few" hours! The four and a half hour drive down to Kumily was definitely not your average "smooth sailing on the highway" road trip. It was all up hill on twisty curvery mountain roads...you haven't experienced curves till you come here! Instead of our little sgwiggle line that represents a curve coming up they have an actualy N representing their curves! And with big buses taking up most of the road sometimes we had a LOT of close calls but we had a good LOCAL driver! Getting into a car in India is taking one big leap of faith in the driver!  But through the nerve wracking driving God gave us front row seats to view His beautiful creation! The mountains were gorgeous and we passed SO many waterfalls, pictures don't do this amazing creation of His justice at all but here is just a few for your mind to expand on and imagine what it really was like!

"I tell you, if you remain silent, even the rocks will cry out!"
"No sky contains, no doubt restrains all you are, the greatness of our God!"
"The heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour fourth speech, night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard"

How could anyone who looks at this and the stary sky, the sunsets, and the sunrises not think there is a great and mighty God?!
                 When we finally got to Kumily we went to visit the boys orphanage. They are just like the girls only in their own boyish ways. That respect for God and their elders is evident at every moment, pray for these precious children of God! Pray they will grow up to be strong Christian leaders and be on fire for Him! We got to hand out care packages to each boy (about 40) and no words could ever express their faces when they received their gifts! One little boy that was sitting in front of me was smiling so big and looking through his bag with joy and such excitement it was over whelming to watch as he clung to his bag and hugged it so hard i thought it would burst! They all took out each of the items in their bags and with pride and a smile showed us and each other what they got :)  They are currently working on building a bigger orphanage so they can have more room and house even more boys! While we were there they told us how a man came to the orphanage not to long ago and said that it was to small and they would have to get rid of at least 20 of the boys, but praise the Lord he said since they are building this new building they can keep all the boys!! Pray that the funds would be raised to build this building and they will be able to finish soon! This is the orphanage that the laptop went to that a precious couple at my church bought and donated! So excited they were to receive it because the need for one was great! Their thanks go out to you!

Right: The new building project!!
Left: All the boys!      

                       Also while we were in Kumily we got to ride elephants!!!! :)                           
           Can't really put into words everything we experienced, the jokes we made, and every little thing God showed us! We left the boys orphanage wishing we had more time to spend with them, and started on our long journey back...but wait, God doesn't stop here, He has much more in store for His weary travelers that are trying to adapt to a strange culture and who get overwhelmed time and time again by His greatness in many ways! Right now all of you have only seen a tiny corner of the picture God is painting with this whole trip, and I'm holding my journal which contains almost four weeks more of this "painting"... I feel bad only to be able to throw tidbits of information to you and one day at a time! Thank you all for your patience and I pray you will continue to follow my journey to see what God is doing here in India!                            
In Him -Katie T- The Daughter of a King  

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Katie:) I don't know how you have had time to get this much out with all that has been happening. Praying God will touch hearts to get this orphanage built! Much love and continued prayers, mom
