"I will also make you a LIGHT for the Gentiles, that you may CARRY my salvation to the ends of the earth" Isaiah 49:6

Jul 10, 2011

India wish list :)

Some of you have asked me if there is anything I need for this trip. Well I personally don't need anything but the orphanages in India we will be visiting would sure be happy to receive a few asked for/needed items!
The main need I would love to see God fill is one or two lap tops for the boys orphanage, which they are in desperate need for!  As long as the battery works well and its still in running condition for at least a few more years new or used we'll take it!
Also for the boys orphanage they were asking for medium sweaters and small blankets for the boys since it gets very cold during monsoon season. With the limited room i have I'm not really sure how many sweaters/ blankets i would be able to take but bring em on!
While I'm there I mentioned I will be teaching music at a girls orphanage. I would love to get as many flutes and violins as I can, and right now we have 0 flutes and one smaller sized violin. We already have a keyboard, but the more the merrier! Also any battery operated metronomes and foldable music stands, beginner flute and violin books would be greatly appreciated! I already had someone donate the first four piano beginner books! Praise the Lord our great provider!! Also they asked for socks and raincoats, and some girly things :) like necklaces, bracelets, hair clips, etc.
Also if you have any old DVDs laying around the house that are suitable for kids (veggietales/disney) that you would like to get rid of please let me know!!!
So if any of you reading this knows of anyone that would like to donate some of the items i mentioned or sell at a low price please let me know!!
Once again I can't stress enough that prayer is what we NEED most for this trip!
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you. For everyone who asks, receives; he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened" Matthew 7:7-8
In Him, Katie Tucker -The Daughter of a King-

Jul 5, 2011


As July 29 is slowly inching its way closer and closer the need for prayer is indeed GREAT! This is a post explaining a little more about my trip and my calling to India. 
           My name is Katie Tucker and God has opened the door for me to spend five months in India. Several doors opened for me to go to India for different opportunities, but I waited and prayed for God to show me exactly which door he wanted me to take. After shutting a few He opened one that I knew was His choice. Dr. Fred Kornis,( a missionary that my parents have known and supported for over 30 years), recently came to our missions conference and presented me with the opportunity of going to India with a team he is taking in July. He is the founder of an organization known as Heartland International Ministries (H.I.M.) and has traveled the world, evangelizing, church planting, training pastors, and so much more. Immediately I started praying and asking God if this was what He would have me do, and He confirmed it in more ways than one.
The team consists of ten people including Mr. Fred, besides him and maybe two others I have never met anyone else going on this trip. The area we will be working in is 75% Hindu, 15% Muslim, and only 5% Christian,with a population of over one billion people. As you can see this is one dark country with a very small light but we go to help encourage that light to become a flame on fire for the Lord! 
The trip will be about two weeks long but I will be staying for another five months to work in the girls orphanage. While there I will be busy teaching piano, flute, violin, sign language, and just sharing the love of Jesus with them. There are 15 girls from ages 5-15 in this orphanage who are all hungry to hear more about Jesus and to worship Him through music!
As I travel to India this year, I hope that we can continue to send needed funds for these India projects through HIM including: Bible schools, education needs, Bibles and literature, monthly support, building projects, orphanages, girls home, village ministry, pastors, conferences, technology upgrades, transportation needs, basic living supplies, etc. There are more than 10 missionary families through HIM ministries in India alone, it would be a blessing to help them as much as we can while we are there. It would be GREATLY APPRECIATED if you could help me in any way by supporting this mission trip & ministry in India, whether it be praying or donating money. Being a child of the Great Provider I have faith that he will supply us with everything we need.
This May I graduated from high school so you can imagine my struggle in making a decision. With so many opportunities to do mission work and many people telling me I should go to college first, I had to keep reminding myself that God's voice is the ONLY one I needed to hear. For 7 years I have felt a burden for India, especially the abused, and orphaned children. Its a burden I have carried every single day; a passion that hasn't dimmed but only grows stronger. Leaving everything I know to go somewhere completely different for five months will certainly be a challenge, but God has a perfect plan for my life. It may mean making hard choices and not always doing what I want but if I follow His call I know I will be in the safest place and He will be glorified! That first step of faith is always the hardest to take, and its something God can't do for us, but He has promised to be with us every step after that!
My purpose and passion in life is sharing the love of Jesus with everyone I meet. The only thing that truly matters in this world is telling others about Jesus and the hope, mercy and love he gives. “Then I heard a voice from the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for me?' And I said, 'Here am I, SEND ME!'” Isaiah 6:8 “The Lord said to Abram, 'Leave your country, your people, and your father's household and go to the land I will show you...and I will bless you.'” Gen. 12:1-2 I am leaving my country and household just as Abraham did and trusting with a faith that can move mountains that God will see me through every step of the way.
If anything I ask you to please support me with prayer which is more precious than anything else you could possibly give me!
The address for donating money is:
Heartland International Ministries
Attention: Katie's India Trip
PO Box 23
Shawnee Mission, KS 66201-0023
or online through pay pal at http://www.heartforhim.org/donate-online/
This blog will keep people updated on what I will be doing, and any prayer requests I may have while I am there. Many of you might wonder what I will be doing when I come home from India...to those of you that are let me tell you I'm wondering too :) you never know where God will take you next until He chooses to tell you. Since my future is in God's hands I know I do not have to worry about what tomorrow will bring. My only job is to listen for His voice so that "where ever He leads" I can go. 
Thank you for all your prayers.
In Him, Katie Tucker -the daughter of a KING-